About Us

Financial Information and Results

  • When is the next earnings announcement scheduled?

    Announcement of Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2024 are scheduled to be announced on middle May, 2024.

    For details on our yearly IR schedule, please refer to the IR Calendar page of this website.

  • How is current business performance and what is your earnings forecast?

    The consolidated results for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2023 estimates proceeds of 52,886 million yen, operating income of 2,847 million yen, ordinary income of 3,051 million yen, net income attributable to stockholders of 1,940 million yen, and basic net income of 56.67 yen per share.


    The consolidated earnings forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2024 estimates proceeds of 56,000 million yen, operating income of 3,000 million yen, ordinary income of 3,100 million yen, net income attributable to stockholders of 2,000 million yen, and basic net income of 58.35 yen per share. For business performance details, please see the Financial Highlights page of this website.

  • What is your sales configuration?

    The categorized sales configuration for the period ending March 2023 saw maintenance service proceeds of 34,682 million yen and completed renovation project proceeds of 18,203 million yen. For more details, please see the Sales Configuration page of this website.

  • Please tell us about your strategies and initiatives going forward.

    The seven items listed below summarize the medium-to-long-term tasks to which we will devote our efforts. By tackling these tasks, and by continuously improving our corporate governance, the Nippon Air Conditioning Group aims to attain its long-term vision.


    1. To provide high-quality services, and build up our one-stop service offering, for facilities that need to maintain a special environment…To utilize our network of operational bases, which we are currently rolling out to all prefectures in Japan, in order to expand our business.
    2. Overseas expansion…We aim to make further improvements to our technological and solution-proposing capabilities, to win new clients, and to reduce the time it takes for new operational bases to become profitable.
    3. Improving the job satisfaction of our employees…By pressing ahead with various projects focusing on recruitment, working styles and increasing efficiency, education, we aim to improve the job satisfaction of our employees.
    4. Providing more intensive training for skilled technicians…By providing our skilled technicians with more intensive training, we aim to maintain and further improve the high quality of our services.
    5. Broadening the scope of our business in Japan and overseas…Proactively recruiting foreign-national employees by running our business on a more global scale.
    6. Increase of operating profit and earnings per share
    7. Maintaining a return on equity (ROE) 


    For more information, see the Mid-Term Management Plan page of this website.

  • What are the risks that could affect performance?

    The following shows major risks which, in the judgment of the management, could have a material influence on the financial conditions, operating results and cash flows of the Nippon Air Conditioning Group : 1. External business environment, 2. Competitive environment, 3. Manpower, 4. Overseas business development, 5. Accidents during maintenance / renovation work or disasters, 6. Specific regulatory requirements, business practices, and management policies, 7. Information management, 8. Internal control. Please see the Business Risks page of this website for more information.

Stock Information


  • How do you handle corporate governance?

    The Nippon Air Conditioning Group's management philosophy is "bringing together the technological capabilities and human resources to maintain optimal environments and give our clients peace of mind through top quality service." Practiced by both our board members and employees, our conduct based on this philosophy continually enhances our corporate governance. For further details, please see the Corporate Governance page of this website.

  • What are your sustainability initiatives?

    Our management philosophy of "bringing together the technological capabilities and human resources to maintain optimal environments and give our clients peace of mind through top quality service" recognizes social responsibility. For facilities requiring special, high level environmental management, we seek to protect our clients from unforeseen situations through preventive maintenance. While providing the best value-added services, through offering energy saving, low cost proposals, we consequently contribute to the reduction of the global environmental burden. For more about sustainability, please see the sustainability page of this website.

  • How do you protect personal information?

    Recognizing the seriousness of personal information, we have a privacy policy and a system in place to ensure its implementation. For further details see the Privacy Policy page of this website.

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